We go through life defining everything! All through school we would have vocabulary test and it never failed that, just when we learned how to spell something, the teacher would then, ask of the definition! Although remembering definitions was a bit challenging for some, it proved to be very key in knowing how a word is to be used. Have you ever used a word in the wrong context or situation and people tried to figure out what you were talking about? knowing that if they stopped to ask you, what does that word mean or represent, you would be totally embarrassed! Why is "defining" so key in our lives? Let's find out: The word "definition" actually, has a definition and it is this:
1. To state the precise meaning of;
2. To describe the nature or basic qualities of;
3. To give form or meaning to.....
I had to think about these things for a moment, because, as I was trying to think of the definition of something, I thought to myself: "If I had a definition, what would be the definition of me?" ....I mean, really! How would I define myself or better yet; How would God define me? Would I even want Him to define me, right now, the way that I am? Would His definition be one that I would be proud of? Would my definition find me obedient to God? Would it define me as full of love? self-less? forgiving? and patient? What is the definition of Me? Let's look at #1: Do I have a "precise" meaning? meaning, do I have a definite way about me? Am I "precise" in the things that God has called me to do; or do I go through life, in a fog; not sure or not ready to be exactly what God has called me to be? ....And what about #2: When it comes to the nature or basic qualities that I possess; will my nature and my qualities check out to be, similar to my Savior? or closer to the nature and qualities that I have picked up from the World? ummmm...what is the definition of me? Now, to #3; My definition will give form or meaning to who I am! Well, what if I am not stable? I mean, what if there is meaning to my life one minute, but no real outlook on life the next? Can I be unstable in my thinking, yet defined?
I am pretty confident that God has definitions for us all, but what definitions would He give for who we are right now! Would he be able to define me as steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in His works? Would His definition of me include descriptions such as, mighty, faithful, and forgiving? I believe that as we go through life, we add to or take away from the definition that
God has given us. As children of God, we need to be sure that we are ever so mindful of what we are adding or taking away from the definition that God has given us. If God has called you a child of His..then walk as a son/daughter of the Most High King; If God says that He is the Vine and defined you as a branch....yield as much fruit as you can! If God has defined you as redeemed; stop living like you have nothing to live for! If the Holy Spirit has defined you as a temple; then clear out the clutter and make Him feel at home; If God has defined you as a new creature; stop looking at your past and embrace your future!!
God has a definition of you! and He has a definition of Me! All we have to do is walk into our true definitions, by making sure that we live a life of Christian consistency, and watch God add true meaning to our lives through Him!
It is important that we live our lives in a way that if others had to define who they feel that we are, there will be a Christ-like consistency to their descriptions. People cannot define who we become ultimately, however, they can shed light on those things that we need to address within ourselves. What is it that others see in us, that we may not see in ourselves? Would there be consistency if we asked our family, or our co-workers, or our church members, to define who they see in us? Ask someone today, what is your definition of who I am?
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome and definitely has you to do a self eval of yourself. Thanks sis!
ReplyDeleteA wonderful reflection...and, revelation! This is on hit!!!