Friday, July 22, 2016

Broken With A Purpose!

"A broken person is a force to be reckoned with!"
                                                       Dr. Tony Evans

I love that quote by Dr. Tony Evans because it is so true...well, when it's God doing the breaking. Satan tries to break you to leave you broken; but much like a broken bone that has to be re-broken to ensure proper growth; God breaks you to promote a healthier you! A stronger you! A much more effective you!

Throughout the Word of God, we have seen Him use broken people, and broken things to accomplish His holy agenda. I'm reminded of Paul's shipwreck in Acts 27. God gave Paul an assignment; A purpose; and by way of strategic planning and a sovereign agenda he ends up on a ship headed towards that purpose. Along the way he encounters storm after storm. His ship even gets off course at times, but his agenda never changes!

At one point, very close to his destination, Paul's ship strikes a sand bar and breaks to pieces. 

How can God's agenda get side tracked like this? 

 Can I just tell you that God's agenda was Never side tracked, Nor was it delayed! See, although his ship broke into pieces, those same pieces became a mode of transportation that would get some safely to shore! God many times will allow brokenness to become a part of our journey so that He can become your deliverer in that situation or circumstance. 

It's important for you to know that whatever method God is using to grow you, and to get you to a destined place....He will not fail.  His mode of transportation may seem to fail, but his agenda will never fail.  God never promises that we will get to our destinations with no glitches. God never promises that our mode of transportation to those destiny's won't change. In Paul's case, God's allegiance was to his agenda, not to the mode of transportation, which was the ship! The ship served it's purpose in the story and had to be dismantled in order for God to make provision!

Whether by train, boat, plane, or wrecked ship...He's going to get you to the place he intends for you to go! It's not about your transportation; it about your final destination!

I hate to get behind buses because on the back of the bus, it warns you of the fact that "this vehicle makes frequent stops!"  I just go around the bus, however, the people on the bus must endure the frequent stops. The bus will get them to their destination, many times right on time, even though it has built in stops.  God is saying, "I may take you on an alternate route, or even may make frequent stops along your journey, but just know that I will get you where I have ordained you to go...AND you will be there on time! Your destiny will become a reality!!  

God is going to either deliver YOU TO IT! or He will deliver IT TO YOU!!

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