Thursday, October 12, 2017


You know it never seases to amaze me how God involves himself in the smallest details of our lives. How he lovingly guides us through thoughts and ideas just so that he can reveal himself in some type of way.

I have recently started a new journey to a healthier me! There were a number of reasons why I finally came to this decision, but the #1 reason is simply because I need an upgrade! Yep! you heard me...I am in need of an upgrade!  No one walked up to me and told me that I needed an upgrade, but I could feel that an upgrade was needed; and when I would look in the mirror, I could see that an upgrade was needed, but what got me was when I began to feel the Holy Spirit move within the day I said, "man, I need an upgrade."  I thought, I must have said something He wanted to hear!

The only thing I needed now was to figure out how to make it happen! So I began to think of people who have upgraded their homes. What made them realize that an upgrade was needed or even wanted? Well, as I pondered this question, this is what came to me:
People upgrade when they want to "enlarge an area" ... (I thought about God enlarging my territory!)
People upgrade when they want to take something old and make it "like new" again! (I thought about the ability of the blood of Jesus!)
People upgrade when they want to "increase the usability" of what already exists! (I thought about God using this body for his glory!)
People upgrade when they want their homes to be "more presentable" (I thought about how I should be presenting my body as a living sacrifice!)
People upgrade when they want their homes to be "transformed" ...(I thought about being transformed by the renewing of my mind!)  .........Somebody say, .."It's time for an upgrade!"

I think about scriptures like 1 John 4: 12-17, that let's me know that my Savior lives within me, and well if this is true, and my Savior has taken up residency within me, let it be known this day that over the years I have been nothing more than a "slum lord" to my Savior!  Now, I know that that sounds awful, but it's the truth! And if one is not careful, one could become a slum lord to the Savior as well!

What makes one a slum lord to our Holy Spirit? Well, not caring about filthy conditions, such as unrepentant sin! Refusing to upgrade when prompted...which is disobedience! Oh, and let's not forget, allowing "trash on the premises!"...trash talking, trashy behavior, watching trash, listening to trash, putting trash in our bodies...drugs, alcohol, and even making unhealthy food choices! 
All of this can lead to one becoming a slum lord to the Holy Spirit who lives within them!

Ask yourself...Am I a slum lord to the Holy Spirit's dwelling place?  Is he pleased with his living conditions within me?

I had a displeased tenant...a grieving Holy Spirit! And I realized that I needed to do something about it! Well, I made up my mind! I don't want to be a slum lord any longer and therefore I must make a change within!
No more just "touching up here and there!"
No more "covering up problem areas!"  Lord, expose me! I don't want to live as if I am rented property! I belong to you and you have trusted me to manage what is rightfully yours and I have failed! I know that you have given me the tools to make your dwelling place more inhabitable and the wisdom to get it done!  Lord, I am under construction...and under new management!  And when I feel that it's getting too hard to complete, you remind me that my upgrade has already been PAID IN FULL! 

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