Thursday, April 26, 2012

Does Jesus Have Your All??

(singing....) ALL to Jesus, I surrender; ALL to Him, I freely give. I will ever, love and trust Him, in His presence, daily live;
I surrender ALL! I surrender ALL! ....ALL to thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender ALL!

I can't tell you how many times I have both heard and sung this song! But, it's only when you have reached a certain level of maturity in Christ, that you will begin to ask yourself, "have I really given Him my ALL?" ....Many of us would say yes without even thinking about it, because, after all, we do go to church every single Sunday, we pay our tithes most of the time, and even throw an extra dollar or two in the plate as our offering; we teach, we sing, we go to bible study, we usher, we play instruments, and we do our best to "tolerate" people (we'll discuss that later!)....Well, that pretty much sums it up! We have definitely given Him our all right?....RIGHT?

I really had to be honest with myself one day, and I came to the conclusion that I had only given God a portion of what I didn't mind parting with! I mean, there were some things that; well, they were just my own personal downfalls and it was understood (by me!) that God knew my heart, and knew my reasons for doing whatever I was doing that wasn't exactly HIS will for my life! (just a cute way of saying that I was "outside" of His will and backslidden!!).... I mean have I really given him my "mind" if my mind is always full of foolishness? Have I really given Him my Heart, if I will betray my God, in order to please the heart of another? Have I given Him my mouth, if my mouth utters praises on Sunday, but filth on Monday? Have I given him my feet, if I am constantly running to places that I have no business running to? Have I surrendered ALL? Have I surrendered my body, if I allow it to show intimate affections outside of God's plan of marriage? Have I surrendered my tongue, if I constantly use it to gossip and put others down? Ask yourself this question!! I did! .....and it changed my walk! I did! and it changed my talk! I did! and I realized that there were a lot of things that needed to be brought under the authority of Christ Jesus! 
We may go to church, but is it really to praise and worship the God of our Strength? and we may pay our tithes, but is it with gladness of heart in obedience to Christ or did we hear the preacher say that, if you give God $50, he will give you $100?(kind of like a glorified slot machine on a "lucky" day?)...and how about how we "tolerate" one another? Do we really think we are giving Him our ALL by "tolerating" one another? We must "Forgive" one another....completely forgive! with a sincere heart in order to please the Lord! Ask yourself! Have I surrendered ALL? and after that! Ask the Lord; Lord, have I surrendered my ALL to you? I can assure you, that you will never sing that song, the same way again! We will never be perfect, as long as we are on this side of Heaven, but if we truly trust the God of our Salvation with our Souls! Can't we trust Him, with our ALL?


  1. Love reading posts that challenge me. Well done!!!

    1. thank you Tre. They challenge me as well! even though God gives them to me. They are always for me as well.

  2. Challenging stuff Michele. I love that Hymn and it can be so easy just to sing it through and not die to ourselves so that he may live.
    Thank you for the challenge.
    God bless.

    1. Thank you Chris. You are so right. There has to be a spirit of surrender in order to sing that song with conviction. Otherwise, it's just another song. Not easy to surrender ALL!
