Friday, June 29, 2012

You Just Got Served!

                          YOU JUST GOT SERVED!
Though the storms of life, sometimes overwhelm; pay no heed! ....the sunshine will surely follow!"

At 47 years of age, there is one thing that I have to say, that I am fortunate to have escaped, and that is the call of "Jury Duty!" I don't know how I have managed to avoid being selected for this civil task, but I have! Every now and then, I think about getting served! What happens when my name comes up and being served is inevitable? Do I have to go through this? Don't I have some kind of say so? I read in a recent article that there are ways of escaping, wiggling, and talking your way out of this time consuming task, but you have to know how the system works, in order to have your request approved! I'm guessing that the problem I have with the whole thing, is that they don't even ask you "IF" you want to take part in this process? nor do they attempt to fit it in  with your "daily life" schedules! When your name comes up! it's time to be served!! No consideration of the timing or circumstance! No matter, if you are black or white, rich or poor, Saint or Sinner! When it's time to be served! You Will Be Served!
I'm sure that some of you, know exactly what I am talking about and you know, all to well, about that day, when YOU GOT SERVED!!!
I may not know what it is like to be served Jury Duty papers, but let me talk about the Sovereign Storms of God! for just a minute, because, they work very similar to this! See if this sounds familiar to you! 
You are minding your own business, going about your day, and before your day could even close out, you find yourself in a storm! The beginning of some of the roughest weather, you have ever encountered! Maybe a pink slip from your job! (you just got "served!"), or maybe you lost a love one, someone dear and close to you heart, and you don't know how you are going to make it! YOU just got served! come home to find that your spouse wants a divorce! or that the bank has foreclosed on your home! the doctor called with a "bad" report! You're out of money and don't know where your next dime is coming from! This isn't a coincidence! YOU just got served!    There was a storm with your name on it and it was designed especially for you! (not to be confused with self-inflicted storms! those are another lesson!!), but THIS STORM, is one that is Sovereign! ordered by God, with 2 things in mind: "YOUR growth and HIS Glory!!!", and unlike Jury Duty, there is no way out! you can't wiggle your way out! you can't talk your way out! and you can't sign one paper that will excuse you from the storm that you have been assigned! You say, why me? God says, "why not you?" ....why, can't I use you for my glory? why can't I use you for my purpose? "If I wasn't going to invest in your growth, I could have left you for dead, in your sins! Why not you? Maybe I didn't "serve you" at a convenient time! and maybe I did "serve you" when you already had a lot going on! But have you read my manual, on what happens AFTER you've been served! and AFTER you've endured! AFTER the storm! and AFTER the rain! Let me explain to you, the difference between self inflicted storms (that you serve to yourself!) and the storms that I serve to you!!! When YOU GET SERVED BY ME! there is peace! WHEN YOU GET SERVED BY ME! there can still be joy! WHEN YOU GET SERVED BY ME! there's no need to run for cover! because I will be your shelter! No need to run for shade, because I will shield you! IF YOU ONLY WOULD SEE!  That in serving you a storm, I am serving you your blessing! By serving you THIS storm, you will see your miracle! This just may be the storm, that brings your Jubilee!!!! or the storm that breaks that bondage or pulls down that stronghold!!  For you see, your storm? it wasn't to harm you or spite you! it was to strengthen and anoint you! It was because I knew the power that I had invested in you; and what I had waiting on the other side of it! Oh, the joy of knowing that we will be closer after the storm! ....I can hear the words of a familiar song, that says, "you can't get to better days, baby; unless you make it through the night!" .....and if the Apostle Paul was here, he would offer to tell you about what happens after the storm! If he had to put an ending on today's devotional, he would tell you to "Count it ALL joy (even in storms!)! and to trust God's timing when he "serves" you your next level in him!.....YES, COUNT IT ALL JOY, THE NEXT TIME THAT YOU GET SERVED! BECAUSE HE JUST WANTS YOU TO SIT IN THE SEAT OF "JOY COMETH IN THE MORNING!" ....THE SEAT OF, "CAN'T NOBODY DO ME LIKE JESUS!"....YES, COUNT IT ALL JOY, WHEN YOU GET SERVED!

Psalms 27:5, says, that in the days of my storms; he will hide me in his pavilion

James 1:2, tells us to count it all joy, when we fall into hard times 


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