Friday, May 23, 2014

The "Pause" Button

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not   ~Galatians 6:9

One of the hardest things to do as a believer is to "always" keep the faith. Getting your heart and your mind to be spiritually constant when life is so inconsistent. Well, today I want to talk about that urge that we sometimes have to hit the "pause" button. That urge to quit or to give up, when things just don't seem to work out.

Think about the last time that you said, "I quit!" or "I give up!" ...I need a break, or I just need to pause for a while! when your tests or your trials seemed too hard to bare. What exactly did you mean by those words? Those words have ran marathons through my mind at times and I had to really sit down and ask myself....what do you mean, when you say that you quit?

When I say that I quit...what am I quitting? Maybe I'm going to quit going to church! quit being a parent! stop believing, stop trusting....stop praying! What about you? What do you mean when you say, "I quit!" .....Here's one! "I'm done!" ...........Well, done with what? And what are you going to do with your time instead, since you are done!?

When you say that you are going to "walk away" ....what are you walking away from? And when you walk away, what are you walking towards? When you decide to give your faith the "red light" ....what are you going to begin giving the "green light" to?

Let's say that you just mean that you are taking a break! (whatever we mean by that) .....or just hitting the "pause button" (if there is such thing in this life!) ....So you're mad, frustrated, angry, aggravated, depressed, and fed up with the way that your life is going, and you have decided that a "pause" is what you need.

Let me talk to you just a minute before you hit that "pause button"... If you decide to hit that "pause button" are making a conscious choice to stop moving forward. You are choosing to be "idle".  The Enemy will present the "pause button" as a answer to much needed rest, but let me tell you, there really is no rest in a "pause" button... neither is there any peace in a pause! But what you will find is confusion in your pause; you'll find a congested mind in your pause; faithless-ness might set in during your pause; and a weakened spiritual immune system, due to failing to exercise  your faith daily, can take place during your pause....

You might pick up some bad habits during your "pause" or go back to some habits that you had gotten rid of, while you are taking a pause. Beware of danger during your pause, because the enemy loves to attack those who have taken a break from their daily faith walk!

So before you hit that "pause button" think about this! If God is calling you to something right now, are you willing to let him know that you are in "pause mode" right now! ...Giving up at any point would mean putting God's agenda for your life on hold!

So, let us declare that we are coming off of "pause" right now! There is too much work to do and we cannot give the devil our praise, our shout, our prayers, or our faith! We must declare today that sunshine or rain, pausing is not an option! God cannot bless what is not willing to move.....If God's promise to you is right around the corner, how you gonna get it, if you stuck on "pause?" How can you run this race if you're stuck on "pause?" How are you going to help someone else to move forward if you're stuck on pause?

There is a declaration that has been made by the "Kissi" Foundation that says, "Can't Stop; Won't Stop" and in that declaration they are declaring their fight against a rare form of cancer. Well, we need to have this same mind in Christ Jesus! When it comes to the things of God and what he has for me to do..."I can't stop; won't stop!!!! Until God says well done! We are in this thing to win it! and in this race that we are running, there is no stopping us now! As we..
Press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus  ~Philippians 3:14

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