(singing...)When I rose this morning, I didn't have NO doubt! This is going to be a perfect, self-fulfilling day!!! I need to get up and get ready, because I have a party to cater and I have to make sure that I have everything on my list, so that this party will be the best I have ever thrown. Do you want to come? Well, my apologies to you because this party is personal!!! and YOU are not invited!!! Today is about me and me only!!! I AM THROWING MYSELF A WELL DESERVED...PITY PARTY!!!!!
Let's see! I have to first get rid of some things that can get in my way: The first is PRAYER! Prayer can not come to this party because I don't want anything to hinder me from feeling how I want to feel! This is MY day!!
Next: I must get rid of the Word! ....I mean, if I have to read one more thing, telling me what, when, why, and how to live my life, I am going to scream!!!!
Then, I need to let go of my faith! I don't feel like believing God for anything right now! Can I just have MY moment of frustration without any distractions?
NOW!!!! I can light my candles of shame, doubt, poor self-esteem, laziness, and reluctance! and pour myself a glass of uncontrollable tears to go with my self wrapped pity-filled presents!! Let the party begin!!!!!!
Can I get an Amen somebody!!!! How many of you have had one of these parties?? I have had countless ones and I tell you the truth, every time I throw one, I feel so defeated by the time it is over!!! Why don't I feel better when the party is over? It's because I really DO need someone to show me and tell me...what, when, why, and how to feel! God gives us everything we need to stay clear from pity parties! After all, these parties are designed by the enemy to help you to celebrate and join in on HIS DEFEATED FUTURE! and those presents that he helped you to wrap? Honey, they are empty!! empty promises and empty hopes that can leave you feeling empty of the one thing that is EVER PRESENT..and that is JESUS! When you feel a pity party coming on, say a prayer, read the word, and send yourself a message that reads: PARTY CANCELLED!!!!!!!
Romans 8 tells us that we are more than conquerors!!!! Believe it!! and go celebrate your hope in Jesus!
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