In this journey we will face many issues; issues that sometimes are difficult to sort through. Out of the issues of my own heart flows these inspiring messages, to bring encouragement and strength to those who need it most. May the issues of our hearts always land us in the presence of the Lord; our Supplier and Present Help.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
When My Strength Is Gone!
When My Strength Is Gone
I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help; my help cometh from the Lord! All of my help comes from the Lord!
(Psalms 121)
How many of us have quoted this scripture or played this song in our heads while crying tears of helplessness? I sit here thinking about times when I didn't know where my help was coming from! Oh, I knew there was a God, and I knew that he had left a comforter, but I wasn't sure if the comforter knew my address! Because the pain that I felt sometimes, would be more than I could bare. Doubts and fears would have me questioning, "God are you sure you're real?" I would begin to wonder if I was doing all of this for nothing? Praying! Fasting! Reading the Word! Being nice to people! Forgiving people! and I could go on and on! but what would be the point? Nothing was going to change for me. My life would always be a mess and I'm always going to be at the bottom of the list when it comes to answered prayers and this favor of God that everyone talks about. And although, I was very well aware of 2 Corinthians 10, that asks that:
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2Corinthians 10:5
However, when all of my strength was gone; this verse and all other verses seem to be overshadowed by my inability to comprehend the helplessness that I was feeling! My mind was not always on my side, during difficult times; and I couldn't always get my heart or my mind to do what I wanted them to do and so it would lead me right to a place of having"no strength at all". How did this happen to me? Well, the more I doubted, the weaker I became; and the more I looked to self for the answers; the weaker I became! Then came fear in an attempt to save the day! (how many of you know that it does not come to save but to destroy?) I felt that fear was there to "rip" me right out of the arms of my loving Savior! This is when I was no longer able to stand! My legs could no longer carry me because of the loads of doubt, self pity, un-forgiveness, selfishness, and fear. Add in, being over stressed, over worked, over weight, under paid, and mis-understood. Never enough money, never enough time, and never enough answers to why I was carrying what I was carrying! Until one day, I had to address my problems before I was consumed!
"Oh God! I know that you did not create me to carry all of this! Why do I have to carry all of this on my own?" Right now, I'm in need of a Savior! a Strong Tower, a present help in my time of trouble; and it's going to have to come from one who knows me better than I know myself! Someone who can carry me to a place of hope, healing, and deliverance!......So, I called on you Jesus!"
The Lord heard my cry! He answered my call! and He is ready to answer your call; ready to carry you; if you will allow him to. He is a gentleman, and I can hear him saying to you,
"those bags that you are carrying, they look too heavy! allow me to get those for you! The weight is very light for me, if you would allow me to take them. You have come to the right place and I thank you for believing in me again! I felt the pain in my arms when fear, disbelief, and hopelessness ripped you from them! but, now I can restore you, giving you rest again! Now lie here in my arms of peace, rest in my arms of stability, they are always extended. I know that you have no strength and I am willing to carry you too if you would only allow me to. I have waited for this moment! The moment when you would lift your head and your eyes to the hills, where I dwell! Come now, and let me give you rest!"
Thank you father that when I don't have the strength to stand, I can run to your loving arms of protection. Because of your love, I can trust again; because of your grace, I can hope again; because of your mercy, I can climb back into your arms of love to receive the strength that I need again...Thank you Father for helping me to stand!
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