Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Whom Seekest Thou?"



There is a popular game show that is designed to test the knowledge of its contestants. A contestant will put their knowledge to the test by giving the answers that he or she is sure will satisfy the question asked. After a series of simple questions, the contestant is put to an ultimate test, in which he or she knows can change their life forever, if answered correctly. Once given, the host will ask the contestant one final question that can seal his or her future. After a moment of silence, the host will ask, "is this your final answer?" The contestant knows that the answer that he or she locks in, will reveal their assurance in the question that they have been asked, causing them to risk everything for the opportunity of a secure life.

This is the level of assurance that God requires of us. As long as life deals to us a series of "simple" tests, we will pass those without a hint of doubt; however, when life presents a series of events that seem to put us to the ultimate test, we begin to doubt what we know, even doubting the ability of the God in whom we serve. Life has a way of presenting God's ultimate question: "whom seekest thou?" The very things that you were sure of before, now seem compromised. What is your answer? Well, if your faith is not sure, this is when you will begin to use your "life lines" to rescue you from this uncertainty. You are beginning to notice that your needs are not being met, you have questions still unanswered, and you are not really sure who holds tomorrow! One day Jesus is Lord! and the next, someone who can not be trusted with your future. "Whom seekest thou?" You need to answer this question! You are seeking everyone, but the right one, and the bible tells us to "choose this day, whom we will serve!" All of your life, God has been a God, who is God, as long as you can "see" right now results, but in John 20:29, Jesus tells us that, "blessed is he, who sees NOT, and yet believes."  In other words, before you see that house!...He is God, and before you receive that promotion!...He is God; when he heals your body!...He is God and if he doesn't heal your body!...He is still God!  "Whom seekest thou?" ....before you answer this question, think about the question that God asked his disciple, when he asked him,  "who do you say that I am?" Your life will forever be changed, if you get this question right! The only "life line" that I can throw you is this: "Seek ye first, the Kingdom of Heaven, and its righteousness, and everything else will be added unto you!" ......Tell God this day! that IT IS YOU LORD, whom I seek after!  And let this be your FINAL ANSWER!!

Psalms 9:10 ... "Those who know your name trust in you, 
   for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."

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